The Refreshing taste of a fair, sustainable Future

Better Coffee for a Better world
Delivered to your doorstep every week

Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee is brewed at low temperatures to develop a more colourful flavour profile while maximizing the caffeine content. As a ready to drink product, which can be stored in the fridge, high-quality coffee now requires zero preparation time and equipment.


More refreshing than regular coffee. Ice cold, less bitter, more caffeine.


No additives, no sugars. Healthier than alternatives like energy drinks & iced coffee.


Always ready to drink, no preperation time or equippment!


Our Beans are sourced from selected farmers in Columbia to ensure fair pay and a sustainable supply chain. As you can see in the graphic below over 60% of the raw bean prize stays in the origin country to support the local economy.


Our subscription model utilizes fully reusable packaging to contribute to a more sustainable economy. Our used coffee grounds are repurposed as plant fertilizer to ensure nothing goes to waste.

Pedro de freitas barros neto


Kaspar rothenfusser


Our Mission

Support the global efforts of peace, fair pay, and more sustainable practices in every decision we make and inspire others to do the same.

Our Vision

Using the power of great coffee to create a more collaborative, and empathetic society full of meaningful interactions and sustainable partnerships.

Single Bottle

6.99€ 7,99€

Order a bottle of our fresh cold brew and change the way you think about coffee!


19.99€ /month

Join our happy subscribers and receive fresh cold brew every week!


Curious about us and our services?

Contact us via email using the form or message us directly on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

Interested to contribute?

We are always looking for motivated people to help us achieve our mission.

© ColdbrewCrew | All rights reserved.